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Alternative Building Technologies

Rammed Earth - the past has a lot to teach the future

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Many builders of the past utilised the earth for not just the foundations of their homes but literally for the home itself.


Today, builders are turning back the clock to again build with the strength, durability and insulation of rammed earth.

The Straw Bale House - a building innovation

click here for the full story

    When the fox huffed and puffed the straw house down, it wasn't one of today's environmental masterpieces.

    Thirty times more efficient than wood to manufacture, ten times better than double-brick as an insulator, straw bales are today's building innovation.

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Cob or Earth Building

click here for the full story

    The wonderful world of cob or earth building in Australia

    is flexible and beautiful.

     What could be more organic, and more beautifully sustainable than building with the earth all around you?

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Organic Farming and Gardening

Great Soil

click here for the full story

What's the secret to raising healthy, carefree organic vegetables and flowers? Great soil.

How can you tell if your soil has what plants need? A simple, do-it-yourself soil test.


Willing Workers on Organic Farms

click here for the full story

Imagine helping fellow travellers, while they help you with their hands.

A fantastic world-wide scheme known as 'Willing Workers on Organic Farms' or WWOOF, puts willing workers (mostly travellers) on organic farms where they work for room and accommodation.


WWOOFers making a rock wall

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